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Are You Practicing Mindfulness as You're Giving More Love?

By Dan Klatt, Founder

How mindful are you about your level of mindfulness? Is it something you practice regularly? If you’re new to the concept, or don’t remember to be mindful, getting into the habit can have a big impact on how content you feel, especially as part of how we're all Giving More Love - each day... and every moment!

Let’s look at what mindfulness is and how it relates to how happy and content we feel.

What Is Mindfulness?

Mindfulness means being present and fully aware of who you are, where you are, and how you feel. It’s really seeing the beauty around you... BEING LOVING! It’s about spending quality time with others - being 100% present. It’s the opposite of being distracted and absent minded.

In this day and age as were we’re dealing with constant information and distractions, it’s hard to be mindful. Our default state is to be unaware and filter out as much of the noise as we can. As a result, many people have forgotten how to be mindful. When was the last time you stopped and smelled the


What’s The Connection Between Mindfulness and Contentment?

Mindfulness will do a few different things for you that will increase your happiness and your overall contentment. The first thing it often does is it helps you recognize the negative thoughts that are stuck in your head. It helps you break through those thought patterns and loops, allowing you

to focus on more positive and beautiful things.

Mindfulness also helps you focus on and increase your level of gratitude. Often overlooked in the hustle and bustle, practicing gratitude is one of the quickest and most powerful tools to help you feel better and increase your contentment. Make feeling grateful part of your daily mindfulness exercises and see for yourself how well this works.

How Can You Start to Practice Mindfulness?

Now that we've established what mindfulness is, I’m sure you’re ready to give the practice of mindfulness a serious try. The good news is that it’s easy to do. The hard part is to remember to do it regularly. Set up reminders around the house, the office, or on your smart phone to create daily habits for this practice. When the time comes, or you simply think about practicing mindfulness, take a calming breath and become aware of your surroundings. Consciously return to your center, where you're actively Giving More Love!

Practicing mindfulness can be as simple as admiring a pretty flower growing just outside your office window, or the puffy clouds forming in the sky. It could be spending 15 minutes coloring with your toddler or really listening to your daughter tell you about her day at school. It’s all about paying attention to the little things.

Breathing meditation is another great way to practice mindfulness. Sit in a quiet room and become aware of your breath, your body, the chair or floor you're sitting on, your posture, how the light warms your skin, etc.

Whenever you find yourself getting distracted by other thoughts, gently bring yourself back to feeling your body and noticing your breath. Feel it flowing in and out. Practicing this for a few minutes daily is a great place to start. It’s also something that will help you become more aware of the beauty of the world around you the rest of the day.

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