"Living Your Truth"
10-Suite Course
Daily Insights
Your Year of Inspiration

Living Your Truth is a full $1,997 coaching program comprising 10 separate courses. Each will be available on its own for $297 once we've completed all 10 courses live.

We're completing one course each week, starting today with Course 1, "Your Personal Values, Motives, and Beliefs, Vs. Your Social Conditioning and Programming". You can see our curriculum below for this course header, at right, to get a sense of what that will mean for you to contemplate.

When you enroll below, we're going to begin completing our 70-page workbook for Course 1 - becoming clear what our values are and how important they are in shaping our lives.

That's in addition to our regular curriculum, where we're recognizing our conditioning and overcoming where it PREVIOUSLY limited our success, happiness and belief in ourselves. Yes, very much - This is high-level, deep work we're doing together here!

I Want to Create Your Amazing Success Story!

Right now you can do our full "Living Your Truth Course 1" - becoming crystal clear on your values and overcoming your nonsupportive conditioning and programming - for just $97 - Because I want your GLOWING testimonial that makes it a no-brainer for people doing the recordings after us to buy our class for $297 - or the full price for all 10 of $1,997!

Do you want to do just Course 1 for $200 off... or do you want to "GO ALL IN" and give yourself all 10... that will cost $2,997 individually, and $1,997 for all 10... saving you a whopping $2,200!

Living Your Truth Course 1:

Course 1 Only (Normally $297)

Living Your Truth - All 10 Courses (individually would cost $2,970 outside here!)

Complete Set of 10 Courses

(Individually $2,970)

Join Us for All 10 Courses as You're "Living Your Truth":

Course 1: "Your Personal Values, Motives and Beliefs... Vs. Societal Conditioning and Programming"

Week 2, Course 2: "Doing 'The Work' Required of You"

Week 3, Course 3: "Personal Integrity: No Longer Needing Others' Approval, Fearing Their Rejection"

Week 4, Course 4: "Asserting Your Needs, Standing Up for Yourself (Even When No One Else Will!)"

Week 5, Course 5: "Fearlessly Being Yourself... For Real!"

Week 6, Course 6: "Befriending Fear... As You're OWNING Your Courage"

Week 7, Course 7: "Resolving Inner Conflict"

Week 8, Course 8: "Training People to Treat You Well (Self-Respect)"

Week 9, Course 9: "Designing the Life YOU Want to Live"

Week 10, Course 10: "Identifying and Honoring Your Convictions"

There's so much more for you than you've ever even imagined. It's now time to FIERCELY OWN YOUR POWER!