This is your time to THRIVE - Especially now, During "The Great Introspection"

By Dan Klatt,
Stand Within Your Power Founder

Almost everyone has been missing the point of the whole corona virus and seeming collapse of normalcy.

It's time for you to snap yourself out of the mass fear hysteria... and undergo the transformation this is meant to be...

Especially for you personally. As well as for your family. And the people you love. Your friends, too. Your neighbors. And community.

And the whole human race!!! (That's happening THROUGH YOU, fully embracing your personal transformation, within this program.)

By giving yourself this much-needed awakening by joining our Deep Coaching Experience, right away on the next page you'll already be getting far more back than your fair investment in yourself to join.


  • You're here for a purpose which is to serve as many people you can in the way only you can. (This is the time to honor this purpose, your Divine Birthright. No more playing small... doubting yourself... letting fear block you!) 
  • You're embracing your DESTINY, because The World needs you, NOW - Step into the Inspired Leader role you're meant to play. (Yes, it really is time. You know it, too. You can FEEL it!)
  • You've been "out here" too long, being pushed around by the whims of other people's fears, selfish agendas, deadlines, pressures... misguided foci or focuses. (And let's be honest... you HAD neglected what really matters. It's time to stop that!!!)
  • Be honest here, too - You WERE guilty of this just as most people were, at some point - You PREVIOUSLY gave at least some of your power to what you didn't want, such as your fears about money, work, getting sick, dying... that just fueled what you were afraid might happen and pushed you further away from all the gifts waiting for you to receive, during "The Great Introspection"!
  • It's time to change that. It's time to regain control of your life... use your power wisely, consciously... and help others "see the light", too, because they're suffering as much as you are - and part of the gift within The Great Transformation is our clear recognition of the truth that we're all in this together... we're here to help each other and support each other and be there for each other...


Yes, I have to shout it!

I know you get it...

Yet not everyone does. 

We need to make sure they do! Because this is a turning point in the history of the human race, and we ALL need to get on board with this.

(I just got a visual of how we all need to get off the sinking ship that's on fire, with beams crashing down all around us) - That's the old paradigm, the old way of people coming from greed, seeking instant gratification, feeling entitled to the rewards without doing the work, neglecting their bodies, each other and the planet... and we're all "jumping ship" over to coming from abundance, honoring our Divine Purpose, LIVING our DESTINY...and working together... rolling up our sleeves and doing the work we've neglected, that honestly our parents neglected and pushed off on us, too...

As we're setting sail through "The Great Introspection" to a new era where people truly support and care about each other, live consciously, with awareness... and NEVER lose site of what truly matters!!!

Are you on board with this!?

We all know this is where we're heading... We just have to be ready to let go of this sinking ship, which no longer serves us - (and which we know... never really did in the first place!)

Let's begin...

I'm here to support you.

In fact, it's MY Destiny! (And my Honor!!)

Our Deep Introspection Coaching Experience is worth $2,000. It would normally cost $1,997, because that looks more palatable.

Except "desperate times demand desperate measures" so I've cut my usual coaching fees in half.

You're able to do the full DICE for only a one-time fee of $997!

Once you've joined, you'll see how our Thank You Page already gives you back more than that much in value.

  • First you're going to fully accept how important this time is in our history, and truly open to receiving all the gifts within The Great Introspection. (And we're going to make sure you're embracing this as your most important personal transformation... the turning point of your life!)
  • Then we're seeing how most people, including you - before now - used to live their lives... "a little" misguided, well, the opposite of how we're meant to live, contrary to our nature.

    We'll also see how that's behind how nature corrected this, with the virus, because systems ALWAYS seek to come back into balance, and that's what the planet is doing now...

    Relfect on that already right here!
  • Then you're fully stepping into your role, your duty, as Caretaker for the Planet. (Our children really need us to Honor that role, which is our responsibility... we OWE it to them! We all know that. Now we're honoring it!!)

And we're getting real about the changes we need to make, in our own lives and as part of honoring our place, our standing, in the human race.

Then it's getting really good!

Because we're then going through our Deeper Coaching that's raising your consciousness... from "Fear" all the way to "Love"... and even beyond that.

Let's look more closely at the lessons you're getting in our Deep Coaching, and you'll get the sense about how important this is to give yourself...

  • Deeper Coaching Lesson 1: "Embracing Your Transformation" - Already inside our Deeper Coaching Membership, you're getting back more value than you paid to do the full program. Right here within this lesson! Contemplate it deeply. Take it to heart. It's well worth it! 37:52
  • Deeper Coaching Lesson 2: "The Most-Important Message of Our Time" - How much have you taken advantage of the gift you’re given, during this historic time, where like never before you're able to profoundly better your life? This video is “The Message of Our Time”. It’s truly what we ALL must make our priority now. It IS that important… to our survival!!! 26:51
  • Deeper Coaching Lesson 3: "If You're Struggling With Money or Afraid About Our Future, Stand Within Your Power, Now!" - This is important to contemplate, because it could make a world of difference for you, and your family… as YOU are making a world of difference among everyone struggling with money now! 32:12
  • Deeper Coaching Lesson 4: "Global Unity Meditation Groundwork" - Before we begin doing our "Reality Creation Manifestation Through Which We’re Uniting the Planet", we're getting clear about the importance of this work. And how we create our reality based on what we choose to give our attention. This is an important message which you'll benefit from using in all areas of your life. 13:49
  • Deeper Coaching Lesson 5: "Global Unity Reality Creation" - This is how we’re altogether creating our global unification. Your words and thoughts have power, to the extent you’re empowering them with feelings. Acknowledge how significantly you're creating this reality. Go into this with the knowing this is how we’re coming together as the human race and creating our loving and peaceful planet. Feel great about this, because you’re making it happen!!! 31:09
  • Deeper Coaching Lesson 6: "Your Inspired Success Daily Ritual" - Today we're creating your daily ritual, which becomes the frame through which you’re living each day. When you first awaken you do your Inspired Success Daily Ritual, and when you end the day you do the closing part of it, which creates that container through which you’re defining your life and what’s happening moment by moment within it. (This lesson alone is worth your full tuition in our Deeper Coaching.) 32:19
  • Deeper Coaching Lesson 7: "Deeply Feeling Your Connection With Unity Consciousness" -  We're all connected. You've felt that connection before. You're remembering when you've felt it... and then going deeper within that. That connection is your source of inspiration, resilience, creativity, resourcefulness, ingenuity... brilliance! You deserve to rediscover it! 25:57
  • Deeper Coaching Lesson 8: "How to Release Your Body's Innate Fear Programming" - As you can imagine, this will be important - for us ALL! - to do. The thing is, this fear programming is so pervasive, and yet it's insidious, because it's so subtle. And works on the unconscious level. This lesson will open your eyes!! 26:20
  • Deeper Coaching Lesson 9: "Authentic Surrender"Your life is meant to flow smoothly. When you're in your nature, honoring how you're wired, it does. Through this lesson, we're gaining what we need to learn from the struggles and rough spots, and then letting go, trusting, and surrendering, to our authentic nature... 13:16
  • Deeper Coaching Lesson 10: "That 100% KNOWING You're The Person Meant to Unite Us" - How do you know you’re THE PERSON who’s meant to transform the world and unite Humanity? How can you be sure you’re that person responsible for… or given credit for healing the Heart of Humanity? My goal is for you to acknowledge that, and become passionate and exuberant about that, until you’ve stopped at nothing until you’ve united Humanity. 17:34
  • Deeper Coaching Lesson 11: "The Deeper Lessons for You Within This Historic Time" - What are the deeper lessons within this historic time, The Great Introspection, for you? How much have you gone within and looked at all the ways you’re able to learn and grow and better yourself? We're going deep within all the gifts this time is meant to be for you, here. 33:09
  • Deeper Coaching Lesson 12: "Being Vigilant About How You're Using Your Focus, Your Power" -  You are using 100% of your attention, which is to say your power, to create exactly what you want. How carefully and intentionally are you doing that, now? How much of your time are you using your power exactly the way you’re meant to use it? Now we're becoming hyper-vigilant about where we’re consciously directing our power... keeping 100% of it on our Inspired Focus! 32:51 
  • Deeper Coaching Lesson 13: "Honoring Your Deeper Calling" - You have it within you to be a GREAT leader. We consider how this time could be a gift where you're actively in your children’s lives more, and working from home. You might even become an activist and advocate for children and that might be part of your deeper calling in life. That's one example of how this time is important for you FULFILLING your deeper purpose, and calling! 12:58
  • Deeper Coaching Lesson 14: "Being That Inspired Leader the World Needs You to Be" - You’ve got this within you. The world needs you honoring that. That means following your own path. Making sure you treat yourself well and eat healthy, high-energy foods, because you were born for this!!! 18:31
  • Deeper Coaching Lesson 15: "That Iron-Clad Knowing You'll Not Only Be Fine... You'll THRIVE!" - When you know your car is running well, full of high-performance fuel, you’ve got everything packed and ready to go… and you have a reliable GPS system, map and compass to make sure you’re going the right way… as long as you keep going, there’s no doubt you’ll get there, right? That’s how we’re setting up you completing your Desti-nation, achieving your Destiny! 12:52
  • Deeper Coaching Lesson 16: "Your Appropriate Pandemic Response" -  Many people have been in hysteria – hopefully you've never reached that level of fear. How concerned are you about protecting yourself and your family? How has your daily life been impacted by this? Think of the self-interest of the news stations, where they make money by creating hype and hysteria and fear. It's important you're Standing Within Your Power... without exception. You will be, as a result of considering these finer points. 24:20 
  • Deeper Coaching Lesson 17: "The Dance of the Cosmos" - Communing with Life. Perception follows judgment. If you think the world is a cold, dark, distant, evil place, your experiences will reflect that judgment; that’s what you would perceive. If, on the other hand, you know people are inherently good, and the world is beautiful, that’s what you’ll find. I realized how I unconsciously commune with people I see. Any judgement of separation is only a false perception. 20:13
  • Deeper Coaching Lesson 18: "Removing Divisions, Not Alienating People Because of Them" - This is the time we all must move past our petty perceived differences, and NOT play into the artificial ways of dividing people that the politicians and media are promoting... and NOT let that destroy us! 14:07
  • Deeper Coaching Lesson 19: "How Much Are You Living True to Your Ethics?" Someone I know surprised me, saying she has done what was in her best interests, even when that was illegal. I thought everyone valued Integrity as much as I do. It’s your moral compass leading you in the right direction. And yet what if you don’t believe in yourself or think you matter? Or are afraid? This video helps you realize how much you matter and how much the world needs you being the best person you can be… no matter what! 10:06
  • Deeper Coaching Lesson 20: "Removing the Way You HAD Limited Yourself" - We're exploring something really important today. Do you know about the "governor" people can have on their vehicles that prevent it from driving faster than a certain speed? I know people who artificially set that in their success, happiness, joy, fulfillment, well-being, peace of mind, prosperity... In this lesson you'll make sure you've removed such limits, blocks, ceilings, caps on your life! 16:44

As important as all that will be, you're also getting these supplemental powerful "Keys"...

  • "Your Power Is Sacred", 4:08
  • "Be The Example the World Is Requiring Us ALL to Be!", 3:43
  • "This Is a Pivotal Point in Human Evolution", 9:16
  • "At the Brink of Extinction, We Need to Heed This Warning", 7:24
  • "Stop Feeding the Fear", 3:20
  • "The Resiliency of the Human Spirit", 3:14
  • "Help Create This Vision: ALL Standing Within Our Power, Meaningfully Connecting, Serving Each Other!" 24:07

You're also part of our Private Mastermind, as well, where we're meeting to talk about these lessons... our own examples of the insights we're learning... our answers to the coaching questions we're considering in each lesson...

We're supporting each others WINS and breakthroughs and "ah-ha's"...

We're helping each other if we get stuck, sharing our resources and inspirations to break-through...

Our Community is VERY loving, thoughtful, kind-hearted and caring.

(You want to be part of it!)

You can see how valuable our Deep Introspective Coaching Experience will be - Especially to navigate the uncharted waters of "The Great Introspection"...

I trust you recognize how fair it is as truly a $1,997 advanced training!

Except because this information is so important to get in your hands, you're getting a $1,000 scholarship applied immediately to your tuition.

That means you're able to get the whole program, one lesson per day, for only $997!

Join us right here... because we're beginning immediately!

Stand Within Your Power Deep Introspective Coaching Experience (DICE, worth $1,000!)


Or would you rather be one of our -10- Stand Within Your Power Certified-Mentors?

Your cost would be less, just $977. And you would be getting the "Live Deep Dive" of the Deep Introspective Coaching Program", which would normally cost $1,997...

AND you would be getting our "Promise to the Planet Workshop", a separate $997 coaching program. Here, too, our "Live Deep Dive" through that would cost $1,997 by itself.

And we would be doing our "Live Deep Dive" version of the 5-Day Saving Humanity Intensive, which would otherwise cost $800.

You would also be invited to lead your own Stand Within Your Power Groups, in your community as well as online, and we all would work with you and support you and give you what you need to make $10,000 in the next 30 days. 

(Obviously that's not a guarantee. If you do nothing with these materials ... except study them yourself, it's still well worth ... 10 times what you're investing in your own self-empowerment ... you just would not receive immediate tangible rewards.)

If you're interested, if this button is live, we still have one of the 10 spots available...

Stand Within Your Power... With Us ALL!

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