Your most intimate connection awaits...

You're about to experience ECSTASY in all areas!

(We're going all the way together; You're getting it all!)
How many years ago did you enjoy "The Best Sex You've Ever Had"?
How provocatively sensual and mind-numbingly ecstatic was it?
How ready are you to have something far better than that... for two and a half to three hours... EVERY DAY?
...Or how about 30 minutes of LOVING EMBRACE, at least... would you like that each day?
Hi, I'm Dan Klatt.
I've been LIVING Conscious Ecstasy since April 2017... it's too good to keep this juicy little secret within the confines of my now ex-girlfriend's bed... this ECSTASY needs to spread to your bed... and over into your daily life!!!
Now I'm going to take you through that level of PURE ECSTASY...
Put your finger on the little white triangle - notice how it lights up when you finger it!) - just once is all it takes to get it going...
You're about to begin enjoying The Best Sex You've Ever Had! (Soon you'll wonder how you ever had sex
the old way, as you're enjoying such a rich sense of ECSTASY, Presence, Mindfulness... Sensuality... and BEING!!!)
Which of these 'sensations' will give you the greatest peak experience of ECSTASY?
(This is our first "PEAK" experience together)...
O "We're Going All the Way Together", 22:20
O "How to Get Your Absolutely Most-Phenomenal Results From This Experience", 33:06
O "Warning: UNCONSCIOUS Ecstasy Can Be Like Giving a Small Child a Flame Thrower as a Toy!" 27:23
O "Like Missing The Grand Canyon Touring Flagstaff", 11:01
O "Being Fully Awake to Each Nuance of Ecstasy", 10:54
O "Not Being True to Yourself", 21:57
O "Being Whom You Must Be", 22:59
O "Being In The Flow", 30:51
O "How Your Flow Is Progressing Dynamically", 21:19
O "Your Experiences of Ecstasy", 19:34
O "The Nature of Man and Woman", 24:07
O "Refining and Concentrating the Prana", 26:07
O "The Experience of Conscious Ecstasy", 25:58
O "Connection Without Expectation", 8:22
O "Enjoy the Full Experience... Without Rigid or Frigid Rules", 22:43
O "Preparations for Your Most Sensual Conscious Experience", 18:12
O "Body Intelligence", 19:09
O "Sensitivity And Awareness", 16:54
O "My Favorite Conscious Ecstasy Position", 10:45
O "Assessing the Depth of Your Transformation", 18:03
O "Moving With the Feeling", 11:43
O "How High Do We Fly Together", 27:40
As you can see, there is much depth to what we're experiencing together.
(And you don't know the half of it. The whole Conscious Ecstasy "Body of Forbidden Knowledge" will totally rock your world. In all sincerity, I would have felt extremely well served had I paid $10,000 to learn it. Because it's worth so much more than that, in terms of how much it's enriched my life, long-term!!!)
You'll experience that, too.
However, like the Lover of Love I am, we just couldn't stop at "mere" ECSTASY!
"It" wanted to keep coming and coming and moving us deeper, and higher, and to new heights of intimacy and LIFE!!!
It's like when you think you're having one child and the "good stuff" keeps flowing and flowing, and the Ecstasy building and climaxing and climaxing and pulsing through you and racing and thrusting and thriving and ...
We've now given birth to five additional programs which you'll also LOVE!
Let's love these siblings as much as our first born, our PRECIOUS Conscious Ecstasy... :-)

O "What Is The Way of The Flow In Your Life?", 11:41
O "Conscious Health", 8:02
O "Taking a Break From Conscious Concentration - Question Answered", 17:46
O "Being Conscious of Your Values", 22:55
O "Clearly Assessing Your Needs, Values... and What's Behind Them!" 24:12
O "You're Not Responsible for Anyone Else's Happiness... ONLY Your Own!" 27:38
O "The Quality of the Questions You're Consciously Asking Determines the Quality of Your Life", 25:38
O "What Expectations Are You Putting On Yourself?" 32:43
O "7-Day Conscious Living Final Exam", 32:28 - You'll want to give this the time it warrants... it puts everything in perspective and makes sure you've raised your consciousness to "ECSTASY"!
O "Timeline of Feeling Flow", 7:58
O "Conscious Ecstasy Meditation", 16:09

O "Cultivating Silence", 32:39
O "Becoming Centered Within Yourself... And STAYING There!" 27:58
O "Conscious Communication With Consciousness", 19:04
O "What Deep Attachments WERE standing In The Way of Something Better?" 23:41
O "Body Consciousness", 25:30
O "Conscious Surrender", 33:10
O "Being Aware of the Higher Levels of Awareness"
O "Connecting More Deeply With Your Family (A Lesson In Loss!)" 33:10

O "Healing Your Unresolved Issues and Repressions from the Past", 19:53
O "How I'm Learning from the Mistakes I've Made and NOT Reliving the Heartbreak of the Past", 33:11
O "Loving With Awareness... NOT a Rule!" 9:37
O "Unconditionally Loving: Not Denying Your Own Needs", 32:59
O "This EXTREMELY Sensual Ritual Is Not to Be Missed!" 21:38
O "Conscious Relating", 16:04
O "How You Like Being Loved", 17:00
O "Why You BOTH Must Share Your Feelings!", 18:38
O "In Case of Emergency Break Glass - The Process to Diffuse Hostility and Prevent Break-Up, Blow-Out Fights!" 33:10 - These three comprise a special training by themselves worth the tuition you're paying for the whole Conscious Ecstasy Coaching Program and Experience... (as I'm sure you can well imagine!!!)
O "The Non-Physical Touch", 25:25
O "Assessing The Needs and Values of you BOTH", 33:08

O "Conscious Conception and Conscious Parenting", 33:07 - This presentation EVERY would-be parent should absolutely do at least three full months before they seriously begin trying to get pregnant - This IS that important!!!
You see the connection between Conscious Ecstasy and her five sibling experiences, right?
You're about to dynamically shift your whole BEING!!!
What's having "The Best Sex of Your Life" worth to you?
"Priceless" is the true answer, right?
$10,000 is the tangible answer, because that's what JUST Conscious Ecstasy is going to cost, once we've taken our first small group of Beta Testers through the full Conscious Ecstasy Coaching Experience.
The other five programs will most likely cost $997 by themselves, except Conscious Conception will probably cohabitat with Conscious Parenting.
Right now because you're joining our Conscious Ecstasy Community as a Charter LOVER Extraordinaire... ;-)
You're just paying $1,997, one time, right here...
And you're getting these valuable bonuses, as well - as long as you're joining in time (before our Beta Class is full and we abruptly shut it down without warning)...
- WEEKLY Group Coaching Webinars (that's worth $100 per week; $5,000 extra PER YEAR!!!)
- Unlimited Coaching In Our Private Conscious Ecstasy Community - This is where you're sharing "The Wins Beneath Your Wings"... and where we're ALL supporting and Serving each other ($4,997, although truly PRICELESS!)
- ALL Five Sibling Experiences, which will cost everyone joining once we're out of Beta an additional $3,988!
AND you're able to give us invaluable feedback - inspiring new lessons tailor-made to your exact questions, input and needs!!!
That's also PRICELESS and is the reason you're getting our $10,000 Coaching Experience and the $13,985 worth of bonuses all for just the one-time Beta "Charter LOVER Extraordinaire" price of $1,997!
We're only looking to have a MAXIMUM of 25 people joining us in Beta, so we'll be closing enrollment very soon.
(If you know how much you'd be missing out by NOT getting in, you might want to seriously think about joining now, because once we hit 25, we're not letting anyone else join.)
That's necessary because all the personal hand-holding those 25 PIONEERS are getting, including videos just for them!
If you know this is exactly what you've been needing to bring you both closer together, re-ignite the passion... and take your love to new heights of intimacy and ECSTASY....
Then by all means join now!!!
Your also protected by our Iron-Clad Risk-Free Guarantee...
IF you don't LOVE our Conscious Ecstasy training, for any reason, let us know within 30 days and we'll cheerfully give you a full refund, no questions asked!
We stand behind everything we do, because we know it's of the highest quality!
You've got nothing to lose... and The Best Sex You've Ever Had to GAIN.
So go ahead and confidently join us - RIGHT NOW!!!
We PROMISE... You'll LOVE it!

Sincerely yours,
Dan :)
Dan Klatt,
Your LoveSensei!
P.S. How badly do you need to be one of our 25 Conscious Ecstasy LOVERS, now!?