Hello My Friend!
Thank you for giving me permission to transform your life!!!
In seconds we’ll be ready to begin “Transforming Your Life by Being of Service”.
First, though, we want to make sure you’re appreciating that this really is a $2,000 training.
I have three or four other trainings that also sell for $1,997, and others that cost more.
That means “Transforming Your Life by Being of Service” is so valuable, it easily justifies its $2,000 price tag (because it’s worth 10 times more than that).
It’s important that you respect it as a $2,000 product = In fact treat it as though you paid that much to do it with me.
Because that way you’ll make sure you get that “10 times more than you paid for it” out of this life-changing course.
Are you willing to do that!?
Let’s begin.
Complete the “Transforming Your Life by Being of Service” training with Me (Make sure you take it to heart!)

1. We begin by downloading and opening the course manual – right click and save it
2. Open the manual and then play Part 1 of the “Transforming Your Life” Audio Training:
CD 1:[podloveaudio src=”http://www.PersonalGrowthCommunity.com/gift/DanKlatt-TransformingYourLife-Part1.mp3″]
(This really is your key to Self-Empowerment…
Make sure you’re doing everything right along with me in the audio.)
3. As soon as we finish CD1, move right along with me to CD2…
CD 2:[podloveaudio src=”http://www.PersonalGrowthCommunity.com/gift/DanKlatt-PersonalGrowthCafeSlashDifference-2A.mp3″]
4. Make sure you’re thinking about all the questions we’re exploring together, and participate in the conversations – not just in the Personal Growth Community – also on Facebook with your friends… as part of how we’re all together transforming the lives of so many good people!
5. Play CD3 when we’ve finished going through CD2.
CD 3:[podloveaudio src=”http://www.PersonalGrowthCommunity.com/gift/DanKlatt-PersonalGrowthCafeSlashDifference-2B.mp3″]
6. How much are you going to allow The First Covenant of The Affluent Class to transform your life?
It’s very important to me that you allow it to serve you fully, and that you begin living it, where you’re consciously choosing what you’re giving your power to, moment by moment… and quickly manifesting everything you earnestly desire!
Will you do that for me?
How great does it feel doing what I suggest you commit to doing here?
You know it will make a real difference – for you, for people whose lives you impact as a result of committing to “Making A Difference”… and for —- 100 million people!!!
Now let’s get started with the really fun stuff… making it all happen!
Commit And DO “Make A Difference” – with All Your Facebook Friends – for a Week, Starting Now: (It’s How We’re Transforming the Lives of 100 Million People…Together!!!)
Everything we do is centered around the “Difference Page” – https://www.PersonalGrowthCafe.com/Difference/ – Click on it, it opens in a new window.
Rate that post first – Giving it 5-stars if you support what we’re doing with the “Make A Difference” Movement. Just click the fifth star top left.
Then Share it on Facebook, Twitter, G+, etc… right in the “Rating Pop-Up”.
Next, at the top of the page, Tweet it and Like it. (That’s really quick, easy… and helpful!)
Then scroll down to the bottom and click the “I Love It” button, and Tweet it, Post to Facebook and Pin It.
Now It’s Time to DO the “Make A Difference” Process
1. Go to your Facebook. Tell people you’re doing the Life Transformation Process.
And you’re organizing the “Make A Difference” Mastermind and ask/invite/tell all your friends to do the Life Transformation Process with you.
(Technically it’s “Transforming Your Life by Being of Service”, the $2,000 Training you’ve arranged to give your friends so they can do it with you, and benefit from it the same time you’re putting it into practice, over the next 7 days!)
Then send them to https://www.PersonalGrowthCafe.com/Difference/ and make sure they’re doing “The Process” right along with you!
2. Now – throughout today, be hyper-sensitive to keeping your focus on your Obsessional Desire, and feeling great about empowering it and making it yours.
…Tune in to all the things showing up. Acknowledge that you “Created, Attracted, Manifested and Allowed” those things to ‘happen’ – by using The First Covenant wisely, as all of us are meant to.
3. Just share your observations, experiences, insights – and all the great stuff you’re manifesting… with your Facebook friends.
In each post, remind them this is Day 1 of “Transforming Your Life” at https://www.PersonalGrowthCafe.com/Difference/ and ask them what they’re experiencing.
(Because, you say, they really need to be doing “Difference” with you, because it’s great; it feels wonderful, knowing you’re part of the Make A Difference Movement that’s transforming the lives of 100 million people – starting with – THEM!!!)
4. Lastly, let everyone know in the Facebook Comments section at the bottom of the Difference Page what inspired you the most from the “Transforming Your Life by Being of Service” Training.
Did you allow yourself to get the full “worth 10 times the $2,000 price” measure of value from it yourself?
If you did, mention how much it was worth, and why it is so valuable!
If you did not, then go through it again… and make sure you allow it to serve you – at least that much. Because then it will (that’s exactly what you’ll manifest, empower… and experience!!!)
Thanks much – I’m grateful to you for reaching out and truly Making A Difference to all the people you care about…. And I’m extremely gratified for you allowing this training to serve *YOU* fully!!!
Dan Klatt,
“Think And Grow Rich Guy”
(Personal Growth Society Charter Member)
“Daily Personal Growth” TV Show host
….Serving Your WealthSensei!

If you want to take a break from “Transforming The Lives of Your Facebook Friends… And Yourself” today, you may watch the companion video if you want.
First came the video. Then the manual “spiraled it up” so it had more impact on you and everyone you share it with. Then the audio training sky-rocketed that (as you’ve heard, now that we’ve gone through it!)
You may watch the video here, if you’d like, as a reinforcement bonus (although only do this after you’ve “Made A Difference” to your Facebook Friends today and you’ve gotten them doing the Life Transformation with you and Making A Difference right along with you)…
The video is supplemental material – and we don’t want it to distract us from the 7-Day Process and how much fun we’re all having doing it together!!!
[imaioVideo v=1]
Who else comes to mind that you can “Make A Difference” with, even beyond all your Facebook friends whose lives you’re Transforming by having them do the process with you?
Take a few minutes and email some friends and family personally, offering them the $2,000 “Transforming Your Life by Being of Service” Training, and asking them to do the Make A Difference Process with you, starting today.
Each of them will definitely count toward your Commitment to serve all the people you can today, and over these next 7 days!
What other comments or insights from the training do you want to make sure your friends particularly make note of and apply to their lives?
(Go back to Facebook and tell them!)
Keep in mind that each time you’re commenting on what you’re learning and experiencing and doing, and how great it all feels Making A Difference…. by including the link and inviting your friends to be part of your Make A Difference Mastermind…
You’re Making A Difference to every one of your friends who participate.
You can imagine how quickly you’re Making A Difference to 49 people, and easily dozens more, through your repeated comments, insights and observations, throughout today.
…Throughout tomorrow. Throughout Day 3. Day 4. Day 5. Day 6. And Day 7.
Also do make a point – OFTEN! – to acknowledge how significant this work is that you’re doing, by getting all your Facebook friends joining you in Making A Difference.
Return to “The Vision”, where through you getting all your friends “Transforming Your Life by Being of Service”… and them getting their friends to, as well, and then three and four and five generations of everyone’s friends Making a Global Difference….
You literally are creating something substantial that’s benefiting thousands and hundreds of thousands and millions of people!!!
How amazing and wonderful does that make you feel!?
It’s pretty incredible when you focus on that – and EMPOWER it with strong feelings.
…Knowing that’s what you’re then further creating.
And Making A Difference to that many more people’s lives.
(So go back right now and share how great this feels and how inspired you are, and in doing that, you’re Transforming the Lives of potentially millions more!!!)
You know it!!!
Lastly, make sure we’re all connected.
Let’s become Facebook friends. Follow me on Twitter so I can follow you back. Let’s G+ each other. Same with Pinterest. And LinkedIn. And subscribe to my YouTube channel. We connect through the “Let’s Connect Spa” at the top of the page. 🙂
Remember with everything you’re doing to Make A Difference… Your friends will love you for Sharing The Inspiration, and Transforming Their Lives!!!